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Building a Second Brain – All Company Knowledge at your Fingertips!

Imagine what life would be if we all possessed a second brain! 

While the idea might sound absurd, I cannot help but visualize a workplace where we’d never forget any information we came across. We’d remember every piece of advice ever given. We would never have to run back and forth between colleagues trying to recall how a particular task had to be done. 

Now, most of you would disregard everything you just read, thinking, “why dream of something that isn’t possible”. But, before you do that, hold on and try to think of the possibilities of this technologically advanced era that we’re all living in.

Information overload? Oh yes, it is real! 

We are exposed to so much information every day. From having random conversations with people to browsing through social media channels, we consume a lot of content in every different way possible. 

According to some studies, an average person processes nearly about 74 GB worth of information daily. Mind-boggling, isn’t it? It often happens that we get a brilliant idea in the spur of the moment, but it somehow dies down as the days pass. While we tend to remember everything when told to us, we fail to recall it when we need it the most. With so much content overload, it is only natural for information to get misplaced or for our brain to throw it under the ‘unimportant’ category.

So, how about building a second brain? Shall we?

A solution to all this would be to have a second brain, which, thanks to technology, can now be turned into a reality. Building a second brain is a methodology to store all our knowledge, thoughts, ideas, action points, and other information to be extracted whenever needed. It provides us helpful prompts to act on our incomplete tasks and ensures that ideas, no matter how small or big, are preserved before we lose them. It is a beautiful way of capturing your employee’s tacit knowledge so that it can be passed on in a meaningful way. 

According to Tiago Forte, productivity expert and the author of the “Building a Second Brain” (BASB) methodology, a second brain is:

an external, integrated digital repository for the things you learn and the resources from which they come. It is a storage and retrieval system, packaging bits of knowledge into discrete packets that can be forwarded to various points in time to be reviewed, utilized, or deleted.

Now that’s definitely something you want for your organisation!

BHyve to the rescue!

Since remote working has become an integral part of how organisations function, it is essential that we make employees feel empowered as though they were in a physical office setup. Being able to ask for help or understand a specific task from a colleague sitting nearby is now a big challenge. To avoid these roadblocks and significantly enhance employee productivity, BHyve’s enhanced Publishing capabilities have introduced a process called ‘Knowledge Publishing’. The Knowledge Publishing process sources and documents employee tacit knowledge through friendly conversations into an Employee Wisdom Wikipedia. It then further diffuses them as structured content for easy sharing and consumption. 

An Employee Wisdom Wikipedia, specially created for you and by you – a must-have feature in today’s work from home scenario. Our Knowledge Publishing would not only store these precious pearls of wisdom by your employees but would also equip you with the ability to train employees better. A new employee’s induction, an employee moving on to a more significant role, or a simple knowledge transfer between departments – BHyve’s Knowledge Publishing would be your support guide through every change. 

Let’s consider the example of lawyers. Some cases go on for years. With an average term of say 4-5 years in each case, there is a lot of information that gets transferred between different people at different points in time. From partners to paralegals, there is no bar on the number of people involved. Imagine having to work on a run-down 5-year-old case where the data is not adequately handed over, and bits and pieces of information are missing. Not every thought or hunch is documented every time. There could also be a scenario where the percentage of handover cases is way higher than the percentage of new cases. 

With BHyve, your organisation can help you unlock the potential of adequately documented data. A readily available asset with the amalgamation of insights, best practices, experiences and observations, the Employee Wisdom Wikipedia would be your pot of gold. 

Now let me revisit the question I asked you initially – Imagine what life would be if we all possessed a second brain! Only this time, you know that you can. 

Schedule an appointment today to start building a second brain for your organisation, only with BHyve.


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